

There is no waste in nature
CSRplus VERMICAST INDUSTRIES INC. is committed to supporting sustainable, environmentally safe, organic waste recycling through the design, building and operation of turn-key industrial scale applications of vermicasting to a wide range of urban and agricultural waste streams.
We support returning waste organic matter back to the land as a top quality growth substrate (worm castings) for a wide range of agricultural applications, including organic crop production in greenhouses, urban agriculture, green roofs, or the field.
Using proprietary processes and on-going research, CSRplus Vermicast Industries technology processes urban and agriculutral organic waste streams to produce a consistent supply of top quality worm castings at an affordable price, all year long. We’re a wholly Canadian owned and operated company with offices in Toronto, Ontario and Calgary, Alberta, and operating throughout North America.
Through our subsidiary, Vermicast Technologies Ltd. (VTL), our proprietary Design-Build-Operate solutions provide all of the required engineering, site selection support, LEEDS building design, construction, processing equipment, installation, and training required to quickly and safely recycle high volume waste organic matter from a range of municipal, agricultural and industrial sources.
We provide the professional, technical and management resources required for addressing the unique needs of individual municipalities, industries and agricultural operations. Our team includes experts in municipal waste management, soil sciences, engineering, vermiculture, composting and management sciences.
pdf Design-Build-Operate
Through Vermicast Marketing Ltd. (VML) we distribute and sell worm casting products to a wide range of markets across Canada.
Our sustainability business model and environmentally sensitive organic waste recycling technology are designed to reduce carbon emissions, create employment opportunities, help promote Canadian technology exports, and most importantly foster the development of a healthy, productive and growing agricultural sector through the capturing and recycling of organic waste matter.
It's a question of ROI - for your community, your economy and your environment! When compared against several organic recycling methods now in use or under consideration by a number of municipalities in Canada, CSRplus offers waste producers significant features and benefits:
- Getting started is much less painful financially! The capital investment involved in the CSRplus Vermicast Industries system is 50% less than most organic waste recycling systems currently deployed, or under consideration by urban and agricultural waste producers.
- The market value of vermicastings produced by CSRplus is more than 25-30 times the market value of compost. At the same time, the demand for a superior soil amendment to replace synthetic fertilizer has never been higher and will only continue to grow!
- The lower initial capital investment, combined with the higher value end-product, allows CSRplus to enter into Private Public Partnership arrangements that yield significant pay back to municipalities while still yielding significant financial returns to private sector shareholders.
- The smaller land foot print involved in launching a CSRplus system provides a greater range of deployment options than any other system.
- Timing is everything! From start to finish, in less than 3 weeks, the CSRplus system produces a much more environmentally stable, high value product. Much lower production throughput times, combined with the lower initial capital investment requirements and the higher yield product revenue from castings clearly make this a superior organic waste recycling option.
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